Hi, I'm Spencer and this is my baby Rhodesian Ridgeback, Roux. The story of how we embarked on creating this brand dates back to 2018. In 2018, Roux got off of her leash and ran into the street where she was hit by a car.
Luckily, Roux was only clipped by the car and we were able to rush her to the vet where she underwent blood tests. an MRI, X-Ray and more. We were so relieved when we learned there was no major internal issues that she had.
When I first brought her home, Roux was struggling to get back to her normal self. I did the only thing I knew to do and started to research ways to help her heal quickly. All my research pointed towards supplements. After extensive research, I learned that finding quality supplements that worked proved difficult and expensive. Although the process in finding these supplements was extremely hard. I quickly learned how amazingly effective the were. Once I got Roux on a regimen. her health improved and she was like her old self again in no time.